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Biology (aquaculture, biodiversity research or nature recreation)

Tuition fee €2,900 per year

Bank Details:

  • Name: Daugavpils University
  • VAT Reg. No.: LV90000065985
  • Address: 13 Vienibas street, Daugavpils, LV5400
  • Account No./IBAN: LV64HABA0551055786378
  • Bank name: Swedbank AS
  • SWIFT code: HABALV22

In the payment details indicate: Tuition fee, Name, Surname, Date of Birth

Registration fee €100 one-time

Registration fee is non-refundable.
The registration fee is non-refundable and does not guarantee acceptance.

Must be paid to the Daugavpils University bank account:
Bank Details:

  • Name: Daugavpils University
  • VAT Reg. No.: LV90000065985
  • Address: 13 Vienibas street, Daugavpils, LV5401
  • Account No./IBAN: LV64HABA0551055786378
  • Bank name: Swedbank AS
  • SWIFT code: HABALV22

In the payment details indicate: Registration fee, Name, Surname, Date of Birth

More information



The Aim is to prepare high-level specialists in the field of biology with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills, capable of making independent decisions and conducting creative scientific research.

-demonstrates theoretical knowledge in the field of biological science, critical understanding of concepts, theories, and regularities;
-understands the most important knowledge of biology in an interdisciplinary context;
-knows the specifics of the methodology applied in the sub-field corresponding to the master’s thesis.

-knows how to evaluate and analyze the results obtained in the master’s thesis, interpret and present them;
-knows how to discuss current issues in the field of biological science with other specialists and representatives of related professions;
-knows how to independently organize and carry out scientific research in the sub-field of science corresponding to the master’s thesis.

-able to take initiative and responsibility, working individually or in a team, able to organize scientific work;
-able to conduct interdisciplinary research according to the master’s thesis in the sub-field;
-able to evaluate the influence of one’s competence and social environment.

Apply now! Fall semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024
Apply now! Fall semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024